WWDC 2009, sono già 80 le sessioni ed i laboratori
08/04/2009 09:00 CET
![06096b_wwdc2009adcmembership 06096b_wwdc2009adcmembership](/7b/img_2009/15/06096b_wwdc2009adcmembership.jpg)
Apple Push Notification Service
Cut, Copy, Paste, and Undo on iPhone
Effective iPhone App Architecture
Embedding Maps in iPhone Applications
Game Kit Lab
In App Purchase on iPhone
Introduction to Core Data on iPhone
Introduction to iPhone Development Tools
iPhone Application Design Using Interface Builder
iPhone Apps Communicating with Accessories
iPhone Interface Design Consulting Lab
iPhone Performance Optimization with Instruments
Managing the iPhone Development Process
Mastering iPhone Scroll Views
Peer to Peer Networking with Game Kit
Perfecting Your iPhone Table Views
User Interface Design for iPhone Apps
What's New in Cocoa Touch
Integrating iPhone into the Enterprise
iPhone Configuration Creation and Deployment
Adding Innovative Styling and Animation to Webpages with CSS Effects
Building Localized Mac and iPhone Applications
CSS Effects Lab iPhone
Customizing Xcode for Your Development Workflow iPhone
Getting Started with Interface Builder
Graphics & Media Beginner's Lab iPhone
Introduction to Cocoa and Cocoa Touch Development with Xcode
Introduction to Objective-C
Local Data Storage and Offline Web Applications for Safari
Local Data Storage and Offline Web Applications Lab
Performance Tuning with Shark on Mac and iPhone iPhone
Zero Configuration Networking Using Bonjour
Calendaring Solutions in Snow Leopard Server, Snow Leopard, and iPhone
Contact Management with Snow Leopard Server, Snow Leopard, and iPhone
Creating Secure iPhone and Mac OS X Applications
Deploying Mobile Access Server
Secure Access with 802.1X
What's New for Podcast Producer 2
What's New for Wiki Server 2
Deploying Podcast Produce
Podcast Composer In-Depth
Scripting for Sys Admins
System Management with Apple Remote Desktop
What's New in Directory Services
Adding Authentication, Authorization, and Access Controls with the Open Directory Framework
System Image Creation and Deployment with Snow Leopard Server
64-bit Kernel Lab
Advanced Accessibility: Best Practices and New APIs in Snow Leopard
Advanced Debugging
Assigning Your Application an Identity with Code Signing
Building Compatible Websites Using Emerging Web Technologies
Cocoa Tips and Tricks
Compiler Overview
Concurrent Programming in Cocoa
Creating I/O Kit Drivers for Multiple Architectures and OS Versions
Designing USB Audio Class Devices for Mac OS X
Enabling Your Mac Applications for Assistive Technologies
Harnessing the Power of OpenCL
Introduction to OpenCL
Mac OS X Installer and PackageMaker Lab
Mac OS X Interface Design Consulting Lab
Mac Programming for iPhone Developers
Managing Kernel Extensions
Managing User Privileges and Operations with Authorization Services
NSImage in Snow Leopard Mac
OpenCL Lab
Pasteboards, Services, and Interoperability on Mac
Presenting User Data with Table Views and Browsers
Programming With Blocks and Grand Central Dispatch
Rapid Development with Safari's Integrated Developer Tools
State of the Art Cocoa Development
Text Processing in Cocoa
USB and FireWire Lab
USB, FireWire, and Bluetooth Lab
User Events in Cocoa
What's New in Cocoa
What's New in Instruments
Ricordiamo che fino al 24 aprile è possibile registrarsi per partecipare al WWDC al prezzo scontato di 1.200 euro per gli sviluppatori ADC Select ed Online (ADC Premier ha diritto ad un biglietto per il WWDC).